In conjunction with the Museu d’Art Contemporani Vicente Aguilera Cerni (Macvac) in Vilafamés, Castellón airport is hosting the ‘Sala 30’ project which involves making spaces for art in the passenger terminal. Macvac is responsible for the artistic direction, hence the name ‘Sala 30 (Room 30)’, because the museum in Vilafamés has 29 rooms and the exhibition spaces at the airport are envisaged as an extension.

Current exhibition

Previous exhibitions
‘IN/DISCIPLINA’. Information about the exhibition can be downloaded here.
‘Ànima Animal’. Information about the exhibition can be downloaded here.
‘CV-13 En ruta’. Information about the exhibition can be downloaded here.
‘Inquitant/e figura humana’. Information about the exhibition can be downloaded here.
‘Nunca los lejos estuvieron tan cerca’. Information about the exhibition can be downloaded here.
‘Cal·ligrafies convergents’. Information about the exhibition can be downloaded here.
"Totem", de Trashformaciones
En el exterior de la terminal está emplazada la escultura ‘Totem’ de ‘Trashformaciones’.

"Al vuelo", de Fanny Galera
En el corredor del acceso principal de la terminal de pasajeros se ha instalado la representación escultórica ‘Al vuelo’, de la artista valenciana Fanny Galera.